Support us

What does Value mean to you?

To us, the meaning of value lies in prioritising community and environmental well-being over profit. We reject traditional commercial models that exploit people and the planet for individual gain. Instead, we focus on building social currency, fostering community resilience, and challenging the cultural norms that otherwise encourage exploitation and cause environmental harm. With your support, we’re committed to deepening our impact and reinforcing these values.

Our journey began during the pandemic, a time when the fragility of conventional systems was laid bare. With limited resources but strong community support, we set out to create something different — valuing people and the planet above profit. This path has demanded creativity, adaptability, and a deep commitment to sustainability. Though challenging, it has driven us to innovate and prove that businesses can be a force for social equity and environmental stewardship.

By supporting us, you’re joining a movement that values collective well-being, celebrating and preserving important local ecologies, as well as encouraging rural development.