Kiosken på Odden is an independent delicatessen, wine shop, and anarchistic reclaimed produce preserver. It was established in 2021 and is currently operated by Matthew Francis Parker in Havnebyen, Denmark.

We are dedicated to exploring sustainable, democratic food systems and supporting passionate rural producers. Our commitment to quality and ethical sourcing is reflected in our in-house preserves and curated product selection from independent producers across Europe and beyond.

Since opening, we have chosen to serve our local community with integrity and purpose, harnessing the wild abundance of our surroundings. Using knowledge and creativity, we preserve food sustainably while opposing capitalistic and oppressive food production practices.

Our mission is to nurture an open, democratic space where we share knowledge and engage with the public. Through interactive workshops and educational talks, we aim to preserve the cultural heritage of food preservation and fermentation, promote progressive, counter-cultural ideas, and contribute positively to our local culture and environment.

We welcome anyone who shares our values to collaborate or connect with us.

Please feel free to contact us via email at matthew@kioskenpaaodden.com or through our Instagram.

You can also write or visit us at:

Kiosken på Odden, Østre Havnevej 1, Havnebyen, 4583 Sjællands Odde, Denmark.